Park Outreach
Community outreach is essential for Connect NYC to be "salt and light" to those around us. In NYC, it is sometimes difficult to meet others. We tend to be "tunnel-visioned" and focused on our daily routine. The community park is a perfect opportunity to meet those living among you at leisure. It is there that people are intentionally taking a moment to breathe and take in the present. Depending on the audience, park outreach looks a little different each time. It might be an opportunity to blow up balloon animals, sing a silly song, and present children a short Bible lesson. It might be striking up a conversation with the men playing around the chess boards. It might look like a game of kickball with the local cricket players. It might be praying with a mom on a park bench who's having a rough week.
Whatever the activity, the mission remains the same: take an ordinary moment and guide it into spiritual conversation as the Holy Spirit leads.
In New York City, intentional creativity leads to evangelism.

Our staff, interns, and missions groups engage in bringing the gospel to thousands of people each and every summer by going to the park to perform a VBS, Day CAMP, Basketball clinic, etc. The primary goal is to make relationships with kids and parents in an effort to help them understand the love of Jesus Christ.
What we Do:
How to help:
Through the help of people like you who see a need and give financially we are able each year to do these park outreaches FREE of cost to anyone willing to get involved. Your donation will allow us to continue to reach prospects in the parks of NYC.
List of Park Materials
* Bibles
* Tracts
* Basketballs
* Frisbees
* Volleyballs
* Dodgeballs
* Bats
* Gloves
* Baseballs
* Footballs
* Reflective Vests
* Water Cooler
* Cooler
* Face Paints
* Balloons
* Pumps
* Bullhorn
* Batteries
* Sidewalk Chalk
* Icee Pops
* Tarps
* Poster Board
* Promotion Materials
* Pens
* Snacks
* Team Netted Shirts
* Medals
* Top Prize Gifts